How to configure the bad word filter:
*Open conf.js (the file is located in 'wtag/js' folder) in a simple text editor for example Notepad.
*Edit 'badwords' array:
/* Enter the words you want to filter
(messages that contain them will be sent,
while "bad words" will be
replaced with symbols) */
var badwords = ['fuck', 'fucking',
'fuckoff', 'ass', 'suck',
'shit', 'asshole', 'sucks'];
*Add any words you want to be replaced with symbols using the same syntax.
*The filter matchs exact words or phrases only. So if you have added the word 'suck' to the array, only the word 'suck' will be replaced with symbols, but not the word 'sucks'.
How to customise or turn off the smileys:
*You can easily replace the shoutbox smileys with any smileys of your choice. Just upload new smileys (with the same names and extensions like the old ones) into a folder called "smileys" (old smileys will be replaced). A smiley image should be of size 15x15 pixels.
*You can also turn the smileys off, in this case the drop-down smileys menu will not appear, and smileys tags will not be replaced with images. To turn off smileys edit this line:
/* Replace 'yes' with 'no' if you decide to turn off smileys */
var sm_options = ['yes'];
*Enter 'no' instead of 'yes'.